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Android: MapMe

This application is based on BrowseMap by Davanum Srinivas, a simple Google Maps viewer for Android which lets you:

  • Browse Google maps on Android
  • Zoom in and out
  • Move around with the mouse (could be touchscreen on a real device)
  • Toggle traffic and satellite view
  • Find location

(The basic functionality is the same as the Maps application that already ships with Android)

However MapMe adds several features on top of this basic functionality thanks to db4o object persistence engine such as:

  • Bookmark location to db4o (full map persistence including zoom levels and satellite & traffic view)
  • Browse list of bookmarks
  • Edit bookmark
  • Navigate to location on map from bookmark
  • Center map on current GPS reported location


To see the application in action you can watch the MapMe video on YouTube, a high resolution video (30 Mb) on an external server or the following screenshots:

db4o headquarters (satellite + traffic view)

MapMe main menu:

Creation of bookmark/navpoint:

List of saved bookmarks/navpoints:

More info!


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