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More Batt Battery Tips for Droid Razr Maxx

More Batt Battery Tips for Droid Razr Maxx Found this on a further forum and it is pro the Bionic, but I planning it might furthermore help the Razr. I be inflicted with made everything confirmed and will produce it a run now and crash results. For Optimizing Power Battery: Consider responsibility a factory reset. Do not sync apps, wifi relations, and that. With Google services as with the intention of could cause a conundrum. Install all apps and wifi relations from scrape. A morsel of a bind, but not too bad.- install a home/launcher replacement. I aid Go Launcher EX, which is emancipated, and I love it. No wits not to try made known an alternative launcher as you can permanently energy back to how you had it. - Don't aid an automatic task killer--not even the lone with the intention of comes with the phone. Reboot your phone and look by what's running. If whatever thing with the intention of you've installed is running and there's thumbs down wits pro it, at that time uninstall it and discover an alternative with the intention of behaves. Ignore one have a supply of apps with the intention of run on wader as I've found them to be more or a reduced amount of compassionate. - Weather widgets, live wallpapers, news/social feeds, one app or service with the intention of you aid with the intention of runs--do lacking it if you can. If you can’t sort out lacking it, lengthen it’s refresh calculate. - Don't aid antivirus - Set your WIFI take a nap plan to by no means. The default is "turn rancid as screen turns off". This will cause the wifi to reconnect each calculate you commence the phone. From one Home Screen excellent Menu/Settings/Wireless & Networks/ and at that time aid the Menu button to think it over approximately extra options - excellent Advanced. Then excellent Wifi Sleep Policy and fit it to Never. Home answer to return to Home Screen. - If you be inflicted with access to wifi, leave it toggled on as it is more efficient than 3G. Wifi consumes a reduced amount of battery power than 3G. - I leave GPS toggled on too by the way. Apps aid it as looked-for. When I'm made with Maps or an app with the intention of uses it, I'm guaranteed to return to the family screen so GPS can bring to a standstill. Under wireless settings curve on "Google location services" so with the intention of an app is able to aid arrangement assets to make your location as a replacement for of GPS. I be inflicted with "VZW location services" twisted off--don't know why with the intention of option is even here. By the way, I boost the alacrity of voice output > text to speech > speech rate since I like the information to make spit made known nearer. That saves a morsel of battery. Turning rancid the spectacle and solely listening pro information help. Also, often I solely make the information and at that time exit back to the family screen: GPS uses so much battery I try to make it ended with ASAP. - When you make a 1) extra battery, 2) sort out a factory reset, or 3) an OS upgrade - run your battery all the way down until the phone shuts rancid and at that time charge the battery all the way up. This will calibrate the phone's understanding of the battery's room. Do this some time ago each month or two furthermore, but don't sort out it too often if you can help it. - I be inflicted with my battery fit to "Performance Mode" and data is on all the calculate since I am on call 24x7. If you don't mind, try made known a more conservative battery profile to save more gobs of energy. - Set screen brightness to "Automatic" - Under Accounts, click on one tab listed and curve rancid sync pro one items with the intention of you're not interested in syncing. For model, Google Books if you don't aid it. Don't aid Backup Assistant--I rather syncing my contacts with Google. You don't need both. Also energy into your contacts > menu > spectacle options > backup assistant > UNCHECK. Also sort out contacts > menu > more > settings > friend storage space > and excellent your Google tab and "remember this choice" - Turn on Bluetooth single as you are vacant to aid it. - Consider rotary rancid voice privacy. This could not be a lofty deal but it will save approximately dispensation (and therefore battery). It could furthermore increase call quality. -T rancid haptic pointer, animations, and one un-needed sounds in Android settings and in your apps - Set your screen timeout to as low a calculate as you can stomach (I aid 1 minute) and manually curve the screen rancid as you’ve finished using the phone. - Turn rancid in-pocket detection - Keyboard: Curve rancid vibrate on answer press and sounds pro one keyboards you aid - Use a red or black screen background. On the first Droid screen--not guaranteed in this area this Bionic screen--red was the generally efficient color with the intention of may possibly be displayed. - Camera app: I like keeping location on and sparkle on car. Consider rotary location rancid or by smallest amount persistent to the family screen ASAP as using camera if location pro camera is on. - inside have a supply of browser the default family leaf is Google and it uses your location. This is a bad perception as it can dissipate your battery pro thumbs down wits. Make something moreover your family leaf and get on to guaranteed to close one mess leaf with the intention of uses your location as you're made viewing it. - Charge your phone via the wall mount as a replacement for of notebook USB as it is nearer. Also, don't aid long USB cords--use regular power additional room cords as a replacement for. I stick with the mount with the intention of came with the phone. Put the phone on mount as you energy to bed each night. - Consider install the Home Replacement app Zeam. It is basic app with the intention of uses very hardly any assets and will help with battery power.


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