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Script of the Day: Mura CMS

For every programming language there's an open source CMS that is considered the best and everybody loves using. Right now in PHP it's WordPress (some might consider Drupal, but that's another discussion), for Python it's Plone and for ColdFusion it's Mura CMS.

Designed to help users in managing content as simply as possible, Mura boasts all the features you may want from a CMS: graphic installer, WYSIWYG editing, cross-browser support, multi-database support, SEO-friendly, themes, plugins, multilingual, user manager, file browser, templating engine, categories, versioning, marketing tools and much more.

Some of the world-renown services that use Mura for their websites include Intel, United States Homeland Security Department, Navy's Marine Corps, Michigan State University, Auburn University, Amtrack, FDA, Lockhe ed Martin, AT&T and many more.

As you can see, the CMS can work without glitches in large scale projects, but it can be used in smaller projects as well.

Mura CMS' development is handled via its GitHub page. For themes and plugins, visit the Mura Marketplace.

Download  Mura CMS from our Scripts section here.
Check out more Mura CMS screenshots here.


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