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HTC EVO 4G LTE cases at CTIA


"I'm just going to cover it with a case anyway." That's a sentence we've heard from more than a few of you in regards to the Sprint HTC EVO 4G LTE. Whether you really do think it's the most hideous device since the or if you're going to look for a case for the sake of protection , cases certainly will be part of the EVO 4G LTE experience.

HTC had a few EVO 4G LTE cases under glass at its booth at CTIA in New Orleans. While we haven't yet gotten a chance to get our slippery fingers (blame the po boys) on them, from the looks of things w e're looking at some slim shells, and that's a good thing. The other important feature is that the kickstand is allowed to do its thing.

We've got another couple pics after the break if you're looking for a little extra EVO 4G LTE case love.

More: EVO 4G LTE forums


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