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Late night poll: Has your opinion of the Samsung Galaxy S III changed?

Samsung Galaxy S III

After reading through some of the comments on our very own Alex Dobie's post covering the hype and expectations surrounding the Samsung Galaxy S III, it seems some of you all out there have changed your opinion about the device as a whole. Many folks never liked the device from the get go while others loved it and now there seems to be a change of heart for some.

We apparently weren't the only ones to notice this shift as MOTH477 in the Android Central forums has posted a poll of his own asking h ow many people initially thought the Samsung Galaxy S III sucked but have now changed their minds. Were you in the love with the Samsung Galaxy S III from the start? Did you have no interest before but now you want it like you've never wanted a device before?

Rather than recreating the poll here on the blogs, we invite you all to sound off in the Android Central forums. Hit the link below to register for the forums or to log in and participate in the poll.

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