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Foursquare for BlackBerry Updated with NFC Support

The team behind Foursquare have just announced there's a new important update for the BlackBerry version. Among other new features and improvement, the application now features NFC (Near Field Communication) support.

This means that users will be able to share places and tips among other BlackBerry and Android devices, or check in at place with NFC stickers, with a simple tap of their phones.

In addition, the developers have improved the overall performance of Foursquare for BlackBerry, which is now speedier. They also promise to continue to improve their GPS logic.

With the new version of Foursquare it will be easier for users to keep up with all that is happening in foursquare by moving all notifications into BlackBerry inbox.
< br />Foursquare 3.9.1 is now available as a free download via App World and it should be fully compatible with all devices running BlackBerry 4.2.0 and up.


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